
Choose a Plan Based on your hiring needs.

Whether you’re hiring for one job or for twenty, we’ve got you covered.

Buy Credits

Pay-as-you-go plan. Buy Resume Processing Credits in packs of 50.

$25 (one-time)

Purchase Resume Processing Credits that never expire.

  • $.50 per resume processing credit

  • Assessments in less than 1 minutes per candidate

  • Hard + Soft Skill Scoring

  • Fit/Risk Assessment
  • Recommended Actions
  • Executive Summaries

  • Prebuilt Follow-up Emails

  • Email Support
  • Automated Candidate loading via LinkedIn or Gmail

  • AI Job Description Enhancement
  • Daily or Weekly Candidate Summaries

  • Custom Rating Logic

  • Integration with your ATS


Best for small teams that only have one job opening.

$99 / month

Includes 250 resume processing credits each month.

  • $.39 per additional resume processed

  • Assessments in less than 1 minutes per candidate

  • Hard + Soft Skill Scoring

  • Fit/Risk Assessment
  • Recommended Actions
  • Executive Summaries

  • Prebuilt Follow-up Emails

  • Chat & Email Support

  • Automated Candidate loading via LinkedIn or Gmail

  • AI Job Description Enhancement

  • Daily or Weekly Candidate Summaries

  • Custom Rating Logic
  • Integration with your ATS


Most Popular: Best for growing teams with 4+ jobs openings.

$499 / month

Includes 1500 resume processing credits each month.

  • $.29 per additional resume processed

  • Assessments in less than 1 minutes per candidate

  • Hard + Soft Skill Scoring

  • Fit/Risk Assessment
  • Recommended Actions
  • Executive Summaries

  • Prebuilt Follow-up Emails

  • Chat & Email Support

  • Automated Candidate loading via LinkedIn or Gmail

  • AI Job Description Enhancement

  • Dailly or Weekly Candidate Summaries

  • Custom Rating Logic

  • Integration with your ATS


Best for scaling businesses with 10+ open jobs at the same time.

$2499 / month

Includes unlimited resume processing credits each month.*

  • *Requires customer’s OpenAI GPT-4 API

  • Includes All Features from our Scale Plan

  • Priority Processing for large candidate batches


Frequently Asked Questions

Is the AI system reliable in selecting the right candidates?

Our AI-driven platform has been meticulously designed and tested to ensure a high degree of accuracy in candidate selection. It leverages historical data and continuous learning to improve its decision-making over time.

Will this tool replace my recruitment team?

Not at all. Our tool is designed to augment the capabilities of your recruitment team by eliminating the tedious task of manual resume screening, allowing them to focus on more strategic and human-centric aspects of hiring.

Is my data safe with this platform?

Absolutely. We adhere to industry-leading security protocols to ensure that your data remains protected at all times. Our platform is compliant with all major data protection regulations.

What if the AI overlooks a potentially good candidate?

While our AI is highly efficient, we encourage a collaborative approach where your recruitment team can also have input. The platform facilitates easy manual reviews to ensure no good candidate is overlooked.

Will the platform integrate seamlessly with my existing ATS?

Yes, our platform is designed to easily integrate with popular ATS systems, ensuring a smooth transition and immediate enhancement to your current recruitment process.

Is the cost justified for small to mid-sized businesses?

Our pricing plans are structured to provide significant value at a cost-effective price point for small to mid-sized businesses. By automating the initial screening process, our platform can save your recruitment team countless hours, allowing them to focus on engaging with the most promising candidates.

Does the platform require a long-term commitment?

We offer flexible pricing plans with no long-term commitments to ensure you are fully satisfied with our platform.

Is the learning curve steep for adopting this technology?

Our platform is designed with user-friendliness in mind. We provide comprehensive onboarding and continuous support to ensure a smooth adoption process for your recruitment team.

How will this tool adapt to the specific needs of my industry?

Our AI-driven platform is built to learn and adapt. It is tailored to understand your industry’s nuances and specific requirements, ensuring a highly relevant and effective candidate screening process.

What if I need support or have issues with the platform?

We pride ourselves on offering outstanding customer support. Our team is available to assist you with any issues or questions you may have, ensuring a seamless experience with our platform.

More Questions? Ask us anything.